Mary Pat Knight, CEO of Leaders Inspired, is a Transformation Strategist, Speaker, Facilitator, and Coach committed to leadership and emotional intelligence in the workplace. She is known for cutting through corporate drama to create laser focus for powerful business and personal results for her clients.

The Compassionate Termination

Special Note to Readers of this Post: This was originally published in 2017, as an excerpt from the anthology, Humans At Work.  So much is different right now and the kinds of conversations we must have with our teams are heart-breaking.  This was written for terminating people for performance issues.  Much of it still applies to…

Leader or Manager?

“Bad leaders care about who is right. Good leaders care about what is right.”– Simon Sinek Per the Gallup Organization, 75% of workers who leave jobs do so because of poor relationships with their boss (aka – manager). Assumption. Everyone reading this is a manager of people, process or project. Even if you are a…

Commitment is a Verb

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” — Peter Drucker A commitment is the fire that sits in the center of accountability. How many times have you made an agreement with yourself – to lose weight? To get the work project done on time? To spend one afternoon to yourself?…

The Gift of Appreciation

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”  – Mother Teresa Appreciation is the bread of life. It’s the sustenance that creates growth, humanity, connection and joy.  Appreciation creates emotional safety and connection. It is the fuel that creates trust, commitment and willingness to engage. We’ve not spent a lot…

Leaders are Promise Keepers

Leaders make promises. The great leaders do what it takes to keep those promises. This is never truer than when making promises to yourself. This is the time of year for “resolutions”, a word that seems stern and righteous.  Resolution sounds like something outside of you. University of Scranton research suggests that of the 45%…

The Hopeful Leader

For more than 150 years, Gay Head Light has stood high atop the cliffs of Martha’s Vineyard, its guiding light sweeping out to sea. Battered by storms, almost hidden by fog, threatened with erosion, the lighthouse is stalwart in its beacon of hope. Those lost in the elements only had to look for the sweeping…


The Spotlight Leader

You – yes, you!  You are a spotlight leader.  Each person in a position of influence and authority finds themselves in the spotlight.  People are overt or covert in their observations but, rest assured, they are looking at you. So, what’s your job?  Keep the spotlight bright with behaviors and attitudes that you want repeated in…