Mary Pat Knight, CEO of Leaders Inspired, is a Transformation Strategist, Speaker, Facilitator, and Coach committed to leadership and emotional intelligence in the workplace. She is known for cutting through corporate drama to create laser focus for powerful business and personal results for her clients.

People, Profit or Process?

People, profit or process? To decide one over the other is a lot like the question of which came first – the chicken or the egg. What does come first? A focus on people, clear business goals that result in profit or process to execute the strategy? Maybe there is no real “first” in this scenario, rather a…

Whole Hearted Listening

Whole Hearted Listening

You think you are a good listener. You mostly are not. All kinds of human things get in the way of listening in a whole-hearted way. They could be perceptions of time, your need to reply, a desire to fix the situation, disinterest, or any other array of human conditions that thwart your willingness and even your…

Shhhhh! Listen.

The greatest gift you can give. The greatest gift we can give to those we lead – ESPECIALLY right now – is to listen to them.  When we listen,  we create connection and meaning. At the same time, we receive knowledge, feedback, and guidance that we wouldn’t have gained elsewhere. Meanwhile, the one being listened…

The Three C’s – A Leadership Secret Weapon

I’ve long been a fan of alliteration, and often think about leadership and Emotional Intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) in terms of the alphabet.  When I contemplate leadership, many “C” words came crashing into my consciousness. Commitment.  Connection. Critical-thinking. Command. Control. Conversation. All great words. As these Cs began to take shape, three…