Mary Pat Knight, CEO of Leaders Inspired, is a Transformation Strategist, Speaker, Facilitator, and Coach committed to leadership and emotional intelligence in the workplace. She is known for cutting through corporate drama to create laser focus for powerful business and personal results for her clients.

Are You Criticizing or Improving?

From the book, The Humanized Leader: What’s the difference between criticism and feedback? Criticism attacks. What’s more, it attacks the person. It is sneaky as it disguises itself as trying to keep the other person safe – think of critical parents. It is more about controlling the other person so that the criticizer can stay in their own…

Be Human with your Feedback

Recently, a few clients shared their “difficulties” about offering feedback. They expressed a combination of reluctance, unwillingness, inability and frustration. “What do I say?” “How do I say it?” Some were coming across way too strong and others very weak. The results? People did not know where they stood, and some had no idea that…

Are You a Boss in a Bubble?

All leaders need a combination of feedback and information. If you are in the rare position of regularly receiving open and honest feedback and complete information, celebrate and pass this article by. As a manager, you are generally only getting partial information, and rare personal feedback. That creates a problem for planning, decision making, relationships…

Transformation is a Leap of Faith

Leaders Inspired is in the business of supporting leadership transformation for individuals and their teams.  Transformation is a big concept. The dictionary defines it as a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Someone who aspires to be a leader who inspires others, will go through many transformations. As a mindset shifts, as a…